Punta Islita
Samara, Guanacaste
Beach Resorts
Reignite your adventurous spirit and immerse in an authentic Costa Rican experience at Punta Islita. With the sunrise over Guanacaste's enchanting shoreline, a path to authenticity and connection unfolds, guided by the wisdom of the local community, the vibrant energy of the tropical rainforest, and pristine beaches.
The resort's tiered landscape design ensures breathtaking views from every room, offering exquisite dining experiences with locally sourced ingredients at Alma & Aura Restaurants, world-class amenities, and Nanku Spa's artisanal healing rituals, rooted in Chorotega ancestral traditions.
Embark on this journey to capture the spirit of Punta Islita and the authentic soul of Costa Rica.
Sample Itineraries
Take a look at our itineraries to get some ideas and inspiration for your own adventure.
With so many enticing options to choose from, we thought we’d give you a hand. Our professional land, air, and sea transportation providers make combining experiences easy and convenient.