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From wilderness retreats to stylish boutiques and barefoot luxury escapes.

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Antigua, Guatemala

Stylish boutique

A Lovely location, an attractive design, excellent service, stylish atmosphere and breathtaking views of three volcanos.

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Petén Itza, Guatemala

Barefoot Luxury, Hideaway Hotels, Stylish boutique

A jungle resort tucked into the rainforest with a breathtaking view of Lago Petén Itza

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Atitlán, Guatemala

Hideaway Hotels, Stylish boutique

You will be spoilt in an exclusive and at the same time cozy atmosphere, in a lovely garden, to unwind, but also to go on exciting tours.

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Antigua, Guatemala

Stylish boutique

The former private mansion, now with a minimalist design, courteous service and the social business model is quietly located, yet close to all the sights. 

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Guacalito de la Isla, Nicaragua

Beach Resorts, Hideaway Hotels, Stylish boutique, Wilderness Retreats

You will love the lifestyle and spirit of this private oceanfront resort on the Emerald Coast.

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Granada Islets, Nicaragua

Island Escapes, Hideaway Hotels, Stylish boutique, Wilderness Retreats

You will love your stay at this place with activities, wellness and spectacular views of the Mombacho.

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